Lunes, Enero 26, 2015

Love that never Last.

Love that never Last.

         Well generations nowadays would say Love is just a game that children plays well just like what the songs said unto them. This is what Love means unto them, this generation would prefer to play around and play a fool of their emotions and once they got hurt that would be the only time they would realize the things that had must been done and what are those things that they haven't done. Most of the times they dwell on what they hear from the people around them and anything that surrouds unto them. Well as being observed in this crazy world the term love is just so usual, from the billboards, songs (well most of the great hits focuses on love), Shirts, and the two of the most influential in this generation the Television and Social Media. Just lookaround you what would you see teenage couples, Banners for a love story, love songs being played all around you, people posting there moments with love ones.

      Love was never a bad thing at all what makes it worst is what this world had offered love unto us. What if we just get inspired by the love our parents had given unto us afterall they are the ones who are always there, the reason why are you now eating, dressed, and educated. Mostly of this generation they had focused their life unto what people tell unto them, and forgetting all that their parents had taught. Remember when your a kid and you dreamt of being a prince/princess and your only Queen/King is your parents, remember that sweet I LOVE YOU coming into your mouth just to tell them how you love and all those times that they are there for you when you loss on a certain tournament, on How proud they are to you when you have won bronze and they had felt unto you that no matter what happened they will be there for you. Those kiss you have given unto them and those heart warming hugs you had given to them after you had came in school or those smiles that your face that played like a painreliever unto them when you approach them after their work. Okay let's say its too childish matter but can't you realize that all they are aiming is for you good and here you are foolishing yourself to a love that you have no clue if its really love. I'll ask you one thing when was the last time you had tell them you love them? or when did you last time you had made them felt you loved them? So when are you going to do it? When they are now ill or even when they are now dead and  they can't hear you say those words. Its not too late your parents had love you no matter what you had.

And what to know who loves you most? Your Creator. Jesus Christ. He had love us too much that He died for our sins, that He had suffered all the pain that you and I must had felt because of our sins yet HE chose to let us free and save us on our lost. So when you feel like no one is listening unto you, like no one ever dare to understand you, and when everyone and everything had turned their sides again you just remembe you are not alone for God is always with You, He is willingly and just to hear all of your pain and give you the joy within, the kind of joy that even in the worst moments you can still be happy knowing that you are love by God. All He just want is for You to accept Him into your life, and as you accept Him as your Lord and savior I won't assure you good things will come but all I could assure you is that  no matter what happens He is with you that He had love you no matter what and as long as He is with you are safe and He will show things that you could never imagined, things that are far above all your expectation. So Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior and felt the Love that will never Last.